Monday, August 18, 2014

Update on the Ebola virus in West Africa

For those of you concerned about my safety (in relation to the ebola outbreak) here is information that may provide you some comfort.  

This Q&A from the NYTimes is very thorough. If you have any other questions, please ask me, as I have been keeping close tabs on the outbreak.  

Senegal closed its borders in March 2014.  


Welcome to Sustainable Senegal Vermont!

I am hoping that this blog will provide you, my friends and family, with as much information as I can provide you about my time in the Peace Corps.  My aim is to give you information on what my life is like, what my day-to-day experiences are, what my work is, and what my feelings surrounding the entire experience are.

This blog is meant to be as user friendly as possible.  You can see that there are five links to various pages at the top of the page.  If you click any of these titles, the link will bring you to a separate page with more information.  At any time if you click the large banner that reads "One Vermont woman..." you will be brought back to the home page with the blog roll of posts.

The About Me section is, well, just that.  Information about myself for anyone wondering what I am about.

The About Peace Corps is a section that provides a brief background/history of the Peace Corps and a number of statistics.  These are quick facts, but it will give you some information and allow you to look up any other details that might interest you.  On this page is a link to the Peace Corps website itself.

Keeping in touch is also self-explanatory. I love mail!  As many of you know, I am pretty good at writing letters back and forth and keeping in touch while overseas.  I would greatly appreciate any sort of mail you would like to send me.  It may take awhile to get to Senegal, but eventually it should arrive.  For those of you interested in sending letters and/or packages, please number your letters and packages so that I know if any of them have been lost along the way, particularly if you will be sending more than one item of mail during my tenure in West Africa.

Photographs, a link to my photo site.

And finally, Peace Corps Senegal has information on Senegal and a bit of history on the Peace Corps' involvement in Senegal.  This page also has a link to the Peace Corps Senegal site which is recently updated and quite interesting.  I am hoping to be able to point out other things on this site as I begin my training and continue with my service.

If you have any questions please feel free to comment on a post, or email me.  I looking forward to keeping in touch with you as I continue on this exciting adventure.